Do you want to visit the Cantillon Brewery ? ONLINE BOOKING MANDATORY ON SATURDAY


Individual visitor

Guided tour on Saturday. Online booking is REQUIRED by clicking on the button below.

Price: € 13.00 p.p. (free for childeren under 14 years)
Duration: 1.5 hour, tasting included

Tickets will neither be exchanged nor refunded.

Private group

By booking only.
Please contact us at least two weeks in advance by email

Price: from 15 pers.: € 13,- p.p. (25 pers. max/guide)
less than 15 pers.: fixed sum of €195,-

Duration: 1.5 hour, tasting included


Individual visitors


Price: € 9,- p.p. (free for childeren under 14 years)
Duration: 1 hour, tasting included

Practical Information

Brasserie Cantillon/Brussels Museum of the Gueuze
rue Gheude 56 - 1070 Brussels (Anderlecht)
tel +32 2 520 28 91

Business hours:
- M/Tu/Th/Fr/Sa: Visits and drinks from 10AM to 4PM (shop open till 5PM)
- Closed on Wednesday, Sunday and public holidays

Dogs are not allowed in the brewery. Thank you for your understanding.


Closing days 2025 :
- Wednesday, January 1
- Monday, April 21
- Tuesday, April 29 to Friday, May 2 till noon
- Thursday, May 29 & Friday, May 30
- Monday, June 9
- Monday, July 21
- From Monday, July 28 to Saturday, August 2
- Friday, August 15
- Saturday, November 1
- Tuesday, November 11
- Thursday, December 25 & Friday, December 26
- Thursday, January 1 & Friday, January 2, 2026

Welcome to the Brewery Cantillon

PDF - 360.5 kb
Lambic Stroll
Since you’ve decided to visit the Brussels Gueuze Museum, we’d like to invite you for a stroll through the Brussels of today and yesteryear. Your walk will take you from the historical town centre right to the Cantillon Brewery, which houses the Museum.

Open the door of the 56 rue Gheude.
What is Cantillon ? A time machine. You’ll leave modern civilization... goodbye to the noise, goodbye to the world...

"But where are we ?", you may ask yourself.
Well, you are in a family brewery where Lambic, Gueuze, Faro and Kriek are made and where nothing has changed since 1900 when it was founded. The Van Roy-Cantillon family welcomes you and invites you to discover a fabulous world. Beers, tools and brewing process are still the same as in the beginning.

Red copper kettles, barrels, some of them more than 100 years old, and walls of bottles constitute the scenery for your visit.

Maybe you’ll be lucky to see the brewing or the bottling, maybe you ’ll see how barrels are cleaned or how fruit beers are made in summer.

In any case, you’ll be able to taste a real traditional Gueuze-Lambic and if you would like to know more about the Kriek or the Framboise, just ask the brewer.

Origins of the Brussels Gueuze Museum

The non-profit organisation Brussels Gueuze Museum was founded in 1978. It was established at the initiative of Jean-Pierre Van Roy, with the help of a few friends. Back then, the master brewer’s objective was simply to save Cantillon Brewery from bankruptcy.

In order to understand the situation it must be borne in mind that, at that time, spontaneous-fermentation beers and their derived products, which are very much sought out and appreciated nowadays, were considered old fashioned. As such, the idea was to safeguard and promote a brewing tradition which had had its heyday at the beginning of the 20th century.

The resources put into place to make this happen were cultural in nature, i.e. guided tours, exhibitions and public brewing sessions, while also taking advantage of the installations and legacy equipment still being used for production purposes. Cantillon brewery became a working museum, and it’s thanks to the Brussels Gueuze Museum that it made a name for itself far beyond Belgium.

Today, not only is the brewery’s production unable to keep up with demand, it has become a successful international tourist attraction. Finally, when you look at history you can see that the unexpected happens...

"In the past I almost had to break down doors to sell my beer, and now people are besieging Cantillon Brewery just to buy a bottle." (Jean-Pierre Van Roy)

Becoming a member of the Brussels Gueuze Museum

You can become a member of the Brussels Gueuze Museum by sending your request to Members receive the Grummelinkske quarterly newsletter, written by Jean-Pierre Van Roy and translated into Dutch, English and Italian by friends of the Museum.